Derek Bridges
New Trailer Sales
South Carolina
When Derek joined The USA Trailer Store™ in 2013, the Winthrop University graduate brought with him many years of experience in sales and client relations.
“I’ve worked in technical, financial, and mechanical environments,” he says, “so I can pretty much relate to anyone.” As a result, fitting into the company’s customer service group was easy for Derek.
“In addition to pull-behind motorcycle trailers, we also sell trailers that haul motorcycles, motorcycle fairings, camper trailers, and even pedicabs and hot dog carts! So, I get to communicate with a wide range of folks: hardcore bikers, soccer moms, retirees, entrepreneurs— It’s great. It really keeps me on my toes.”
Derek’s reliability and rapport with customers did not go unnoticed. Mid 2015, he was promoted to New Trailer Sales, a position that well-suited his skill set.
In his spare time, Derek, a part-time musician, can be found jamming in a recording studio or music venue playing western swing, blues, country, or even alternative rock. “I play a little guitar, bass guitar and harmonica —but mainly sing harmonies with some local musicians from time to time.”
Making music aside, Derek also loves sports and hanging out with his puppy Josie, a one-year-old Black Labrador mix whom he adopted after finding her abandoned.
Sports, making music, and hanging with Josie
Jonathon “Johnny” Bovender
Customer Service Representative
South Carolina
As customer satisfaction is one of The USA Trailer Store’s core values, it is extremely important that the person who leads customer relations be up to the task. Johnny Bovender is that person. With years of experience in client relations and an Associate Degree in business management, he makes contacting the company a pleasant experience.
“You never know what to expect when you pick up the phone,” says the Tri-County Tech graduate. “Your mind has to think very quickly to decipher what the best option will be.” With a warm smile, he adds, “And I love the environment … how we all use our heads together to find the answer and solution.”
Solution finding and innovating are at the heart of The USA Trailer Store, and team members believe that both are closely linked to customer satisfaction. They also believe that the organization must continue to provide consumers with new and exciting products that will keep them happy, satisfied, and coming back for more.
Always willing to be helpful in any situation, Johnny is often quick to share his ideas: “We are always asked for our opinions on what could make things better. I like that.”
When Johnny has free time, the well-traveled guitarist can be found jamming to music while working on his house or in his yard.
“Yeah, I’ve traveled many states playing music — hardcore punk”, he says with a cordial southern accent. “But I love doing home improvements and yardwork … just being able to enjoy the outdoors and my home.”
Johnny currently rides a 2017 Kawasaki Vaquero.
Guitar, travel, home improvement, and the great outdoors

Andrew Blackbird
Warehouse Manager
South Carolina
When Andrew came on board with The USA Trailer Store™ in 2010, his responsibilities only included assembling and shipping motorcycle trailers. Soon, he found himself engulfed in the quickly growing company that focused on selling motorcycle trailers and a few supporting products. His duties expanded from assembly and shipping to include product development, documentation, photography and product revisions. Behind the scenes, Andrew was helping to make the customer experience better.
Most recently, Andrew was tasked with sourcing high quality goods at the best prices to better meet the ever changing needs of their consumers. His contributions have paid off. The USA Trailer Store™ will soon be bringing several new and exciting products to market. He says that their quality and pricing “will be highly competitive within the industry.”
In addition to his other responsibilities, Andrew also manages three full- time employees who help share the assembly tasks and shipping duties on a daily basis. He says of his team, “We pride ourselves on customer service and constantly strive to maintain 100% satisfaction amongst all of our customers, regardless of what they purchase. Our growth is extremely solid, and our position within the industry is only getting stronger.”
When Andrew is away from the warehouse, he enjoys trivia, grilling, hiking, and being outdoors. His dream motorcycle is a 2012 Triumph Speed Triple R.
Trivia, Grilling, Hiking

Adrian "AJ" Long
Director of Creative Content
South Carolina
A.J. has been with The USA Trailer Store™ since the store opened in 2007. Initially, he was brought on to write one advertisement for the company. Excited to contribute his creative and communicative talents to help grow the new internet company, he was eager to do more. Soon, he began writing more ads and even naming new products. Over the years A.J. has worn many “hats”: advertising copywriter, company logo designer, photographer, web designer (the company’s first site), copy editor, technical writer, script writer/ director, public relations, and social media strategy.
A.J. says that he derives great joy from finding new and different ways to reach the company’s extremely diverse customer base. When asked specifically about the company’s customers, he said the following:
“Thinking back on conversations that I’ve had with a few of them—about the pictures, videos, and email that some have sent to us, and even their posts on our Facebook page—our customers, like our country, are people who come from a wide range of backgrounds. They identify as different races, colors, creeds, sexual orientations, religions, and political affiliations. But as wildly different as they are, they share at least one or two common passions: a love of motorcycles and a desire to see as much of our great nation while riding one. My job is to try to reach each and every one of them.”
A.J. is always looking for new ways to connect people to one another and to The USA Trailer Store. So, if you have an idea or want to get the word out about motorcycle related charities, fundraisers, or events, reach out to him. Perhaps he can get it posted on the company’s website or one of their social media platforms.
Some of the hobbies that make A.J. who is include the theatre, cinema, traveling, and bicycle racing. If he doesn’t answer his phone or his email, chances are he’s on his road bike, a 2012 Specialized Secteur Elite. His fantasy motorcycle is a Ninja Sport bike.